
how to storyboard an animation

Best Studios: How to create 2D animation storyboard in 8 Simple steps?

Ishpreet Kaur

Storyboard specifies the planning process of an animation video. These are needed in order to organize the video-making process for demos, training people, professional use and some other aspects.

A storyboard is a shot by shot, graphic representation of the animation video, explaining how the video is going to unfold.

It has many illustrations in the form of squares in it. Each slot contains comments and notes, referring to the things being said while the videos are played. It can be compared to a comic book-type representation of the contents. Creating storyboards for video is a skill and an animator needs to master certain technologies along with it when it comes to its digital creation.

Need for an Animation Storyboard

Creati n g storyboards for animation might is an extra step for an animator in many cases. However, it helps to create the video in an effective manner and renders the video flawless. Please find reasons explaining the role of a storyboard below:

1. Sharing vision in an optimal way πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍🏫

Whenever we want to share our ideas and concepts to others, visual representation has no other alternative. It is not easy to read the thoughts and vision of an individual through verbal communication. However, when represented visually, thoughts become clear and transparent. It sums up the entire concept, vision and the process of conveying any idea becomes easy and more effective.

2. Providing clarity to the development πŸ’πŸ»‍♂️

A storyboard clears the process of how the shots need to be arranged and the way scripts are required to interact with the visuals. The storyboard is the starting point of an individual's thought-line. It ensures that all scenes are available, and none are omitted or forgotten. An animator will be able to piece together his own version of the thoughts, vision while making the video.

3. Saving TimeπŸ•°️

Storyboard are an additional step for an animator and may need a little more time to make. However, it reduces the amount of time needed for all future animations of the same kind. This allows the process of making videos to run seamlessly and in an effective manner. It reduces the probability of video facing any obstacles.

Process of making a storyboard animation?

The process of creating a storyboard animation for your video is outlined below; most of the companies offering animation services follow the same.

1. Create blank slides 😊

Google search can provide lots of templates for the printable storyboard. The first step is drawing a series of squares in it. Squares act as video frames in the storyboard and scenes in these can be sketched simply by hands. We can use photographs or even create them on a laptop. It is recommended to leave some spaces at the bottom for notes.

2. Add the scripts πŸ“”

Lines that need to be spoken are incorporated in the scripts. It should resemble like a comic book, explaining what exactly goes on in the video is a step by step manner. An animated storyboard gives extra life to the video and also increases the communication flow.

3. Sketch the story✍️

The next step involves sketching the designs for representing how it will look in the visual version. We can avoid putting too many details and colours. One simply needs to provide the desired amount of visual detail required to explain the general framing of the storyboard. Rest of the information will be provided by text and video.

Useful tips for the creation of storyboard

Some tips followed by companies offering animation services for making a storyboard are provided below:

First of all, an animator need not tell, just showing will suffice. It can work as a litmus test, informing whether the video will convey the thoughts and visions or not.

An animator needs to be cinematic. An animator may combine many things, places and other elements in the video to showcase a cinematic video. Correlation and logical validity in visual elements are a must. Storyboard always conveys the story to the audience, so it must be consistent from the start to the end.

You may choose any theme of your choice. It is suggested to include charts and diagrams providing an infographic touch to it. Use a character to focus on the problem being faced by the customer. This will help connect with customer and take them through the journey.

The storyboard should contain all the required and relevant details. The complete script should be broken down into smaller groups of information. The animator must consider the characters present on the scene as well as characters present in the background, action, the existence of props and so on also need to be considered. Further, these are required to be compatible with the background setting.


At the start, creating a storyboard may be a challenging task. However, it is an integral part of making an animation video. It conveys the ideas and thoughts to stakeholders. It also clarifies the vision to the professionals and teams working with the animation post-production. Expert animation companies also provide post-production storyboard related activities and tasks.

Quality storyboard illustration services can be availed at a cost from experts. All one must do is a little bit of research to find the best people in the industry.

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how to storyboard an animation


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