How To Make Tumblr Stop Recommending Blogs
silverlightpony asked:
"Hide Recommended Blogs" in Tweaks just stopped working for me—it was working fine until I changed something else in the "sidebar" section of the Tweaks settings. :/ Also, I sent another ask a few days ago, before you guys split the blog into three blogs. Did it get lost in the shuffle, or have you just not gotten to it yet?
Well, we accidentally overwrote the first fix for the hide recommended blogs. I'll fix that.
As for pre-split asks on new-xkit-extension, we still have mountains of them. We're answering non-anon messages privately, and we'll hopefully be able to redirect anons to this blog (using a new xinbox feature) soon. We can't answer every ask, but we try to respond to every issue. If you see we've posted an ask with the same issue, we probably won't respond to your ask, unfortunately.
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thebunnysquad asked:
Where can I get the new xkit? Is it the same xkit as before?
New XKit is a open-source project by a group of developers collectively known as the new-xkit team. Our glorious leader hobinjk started the project last summer after it became clear that atesh (the XKit guy) had stepped down for good and wasn't able to keep the code up-to-date anymore.
Because atesh had released the code under a Free Software license, we were able to fork the project and continue development. We started with the exact same code, and we've been fixing bugs and adding features ever since. We maintain these three blogs (@new-xkit-extension, support and discuss), the github project (, our support chat, and a Firefox, Chrome and Safari extension. You can tell what stuff is still being actively maintained by the name—"New XKit" vs. just plain XKit.
We use a much more open model of development then XKit did previously. Anybody can open issues or submit code for the project on Github, and developers get added to the team if they're been around for a while and the rest of the team agrees to add them. (If you're interested, we talked about this process earlier this year at our New XKit town hall, which you can read a summary of here:
tl;dr, we're a new group of developers, but we started from the exact same code and have been making improvements and fixes
Anonymous asked:
Your new firefox update nuked my settings completely. :/ Is there any way to recover them?
Temporary mini hiatus until, new-xkit-extension fixes editable reblogs. C'mon guys get to it!
fixed now!
ummm, is this post supposed to look like new-xkit-support is the op? because if not, something is glitching…
Hmm, no we'll take a look. seems to be an ER bug.
kinsie submitted to new-xkit-support:
Hello! For some reason, when I have New XKit enabled, I can't upload videos to Tumblr. Attempting to upload a video simply makes the throbber gif appear in the corner without the actual post controls appearing.
It works perfectly if I temporarily disable New XKit in Chrome settings. I'm using Chrome 52.0.2743.116 m and New XKit 7.7.1. Is this a known issue, or a screw-up on my end, or what?
Sorry for the delay. this will be fixed shortly.
kinsie submitted to new-xkit-support:
Hello! For some reason, when I have New XKit enabled, I can't upload videos to Tumblr. Attempting to upload a video simply makes the throbber gif appear in the corner without the actual post controls appearing.
It works perfectly if I temporarily disable New XKit in Chrome settings. I'm using Chrome 52.0.2743.116 m and New XKit 7.7.1. Is this a known issue, or a screw-up on my end, or what?
Sorry for the delay. this will be fixed shortly.
Anonymous asked:
New XKit keeps giving error messages about not being able to reach the servers. My XKit is up to date and I've disabled ad blockers so I don't know what else could be causing it.
Looks like there was a small Github Pages outage this morning.
everything should be working again now!
We use Github Pages to serve New XKit updates, so you can always check if you think there might be an issue!
Anonymous asked:
quick question, but how many days does it take until xkit updates automatically? i got the notif telling me to update today, but when i tried to download the new vers of xkit, i kept getting a thing saying that the add-on couldn't be installed because of a connection failure.
Anonymous asked:
hi i don't know if you want feedback like this, but i recently re-installed the old xkit just because in quick reblogs when i change to reblog to a sideblog, i don't have to change it for each post when reblogging several things in a row. i dont know if this was intentional
P.S.: No, this blog is not intended for XKit Rewritten support.
How To Make Tumblr Stop Recommending Blogs
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