
How To Tap Phone Calls

How to Stop an Infinity Phone Tap

By Andrew Latham

Tapping your phone no longer requires installing a microphone in your handset.

i Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Infinity phone taps allow eavesdroppers to use your phone as a listening device from long distances by using your own phone line. The methods vary. Some rely on transmitters attached to the phone that call the eavesdropper when a phone call is made. More sophisticated Infinity phone taps call your phone but, by using electronic devices, prevent it from ringing. This tap converts your phone into a listening device even though it is still on the hook.

Buy a wireless eavesdropping device detector. There are many of these devices on the market. Prices range from $50 to thousands of dollars, and, as is usually the case, you get what you pay for. If you detect an eavesdropping bug on your phone, disconnect it from the telephone line.

Connect a phone tap detector to your phone. The detector is a small box you connect to the wall jack that serves as a filter between the telephone line and your phone. The device scans for signs of surveillance and will warn you if your line has been tapped.

Overload the bandwidth of your phone by sending a batch of SMS texts from a mobile to your land line or by making several simultaneous VoIP calls from your line. The bandwidth of call tracking devices is usually limited to 64Kbps, so according to researchers of the University of Pennsylvania, sending large packets of data may overwhelm the eavesdropper's call monitoring system and drop the connection.

Play a white noise generator to override the audio frequencies of the human voice and prevent microphones and digital recorders from picking up your voice.



  • Contact a professional security agency if you suspect your home or business is under surveillance. Phone taps and other surveillance methods can be hard to detect and neutralize without specialized training.


  • Avoid sending unencrypted data over a phone line. When sharing sensitive information, it is a good policy to assume all devices have been compromised.

Writer Bio

Andrew Latham is a seasoned copywriter for both print and online publishers. He has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in English, a diploma in linguistics and a special interest in finance, science, languages and travel. He is the owner of, a company based in Charlottesville, Virginia, which provides writing, interpreting and translating services for English and Spanish audiences.

How To Tap Phone Calls


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